Tagging a user in Slack can take a few extra steps over other social channels, but should still be a quick process!
Tagging a user in Slack
1. First, grab the user's Slack Member ID. You can get this by clicking on their profile, and then selecting the three dots, and clicking "Copy member ID"
2. Next, in Assembly, add the member ID in the following format: <@memberID>
For example, a user with the member ID U012AB3CD
would be tagged by writing <@U012AB3CD>
Tagging @here, @channel, or @everyone
Paste the following into Assembly to use these tags:
To tag @here, use
To tag @channel, use
To tag @everyone, use
Tagging a Channel
1. First, grab the Channel ID. You can do this by right clicking a channel on the side bar and selecting "View Channel Details". The Channel ID will be at the bottom of the modal.
2. Next, in Assembly, add the channel ID in the following format: <#channel-id>
For example, a channel with the ID C24FSDAGL9W
would be tagged by writing <#C24FSDAGL9W>